Friday, December 27, 2013

Hello there, K-dramaland!

Anneyeong Haseyo!

Hi y'all!
If you are already an avid K-drama watcher, then "HEY SOULMATE!" and if you haven't already begun watching K-dramas, then "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GO FOR IT!!" K-drama is an abbreviation for Korean drama, by the way.

My initiation into the beautiful, majestic and outlandish world of K-drama came recently (in the summer of 2013, which was exactly 6 months ago) and since, then there has been no stepping back; I've sold my soul to K-drama (and K-pop along the way). It is a quagmire-a black hole- that will suck you in and there's no escape from it. Although you might want to kill yourself at times, yet believe me, you will never ever regret watching K-dramas (girls especially!). Most people begin watching K-dramas because of the FREAKING HOT, GORGEOUS, SMEXY actors. I confess, I was one of those people. Just have a look-

HOW DOES A POOR, DEFENSELESS FANGIRL RESIST HERSELF FROM SUCH SMEXINESS? And girls, if you're into Asian men, then this is the perfect world for you.

However, the thing about K-dramas is that you have all sorts of dramas-from action to thrillers, to romcoms (these are the most popular) to melodramas to period dramas. My personal favourite are rom-coms and there are just so many of them that the list seems endless. And, in a way, it IS endless because a new drama airs almost every month. However, you can catch up on them since each drama usually has 20-25 episodes (the maximum may be 50) and only one season, you can finish watching one drama in two days (if you do a marathon) and move on to another.

K-dramas have become a sort of a religion with me now; my weekends are always kept free for K-drama marathons, no matter how much work I have. In times of extreme workload, I multitask because I feel so reluctant to sacrifice my K-drama time. K-dramas help me to unwind but most of all, they are entertaining despite the similar plots and cliches. And it does help that the plots are nothing less than fairy-tales (since I mostly watch rom-coms) and very 'Pride and Prejudice'-ish, which is one of my favourite novels of all time. The rich guy and the poor girl hating each other initially and then slowly falling in love, the OST, the OTP, the..........

*stops myself from going into a raving frenzy*
(or else I might just go on writing for the rest of the night and it will be a looooong post.)

Anyway, I am proud to say that I'm a K-drama addict and here I am, with my fellow K-drama addict friend, to rant and rave about K-dramas and other Asian stuff which include K-pop, animes, J-drama (when I finally get around to watching them) and those rare Asian movies that I watch.

Signing off!

NOTE: When I say "Asian", I mean the Far East.

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