Saturday, December 28, 2013

Drama Pick Of The Week: Arang and the Magistrate

#1 Arang the Magistrate

Title: 아랑사또전 / Arangsaddojeon
Genre: romance, comedy, action, thriller, drama
Number of Episodes: 21

~Drama Poster~

Now I am perfectly aware that not a lot of people are huge fans of Historical Drama's. But believe me peeps, this drama Is totally worth it.

OTP: (if its your first time, you should check out our earlier post for popular Kdrama Acronyms : 

* The Sizzling Heartthrob Bastard Lead: ~Lee Jun Ki ~  

I think I need those smelling salts (*O*)

as for the Female lead .... this ones for you boys or girls 

 * The Gorgeous: ~ Shin Min a ~



Arang (shin min a....lets call her 'shima'...let it go peeps, okay?..... okayyy so I'm lazy its the 21st century thing people, lets move onnn..) is a ghost who is curious about her death, I think this desire was fuelled by her lost memory of her past life... (#Iamagenius) Eun oh (Lee jun ki, AKA Satho) is the son of the ex-prime minister of feudal Korea during the Chosun Dynasty, but he has a secret, he can see ghosts. Through the rather knotty ropes of fate and destiny Arang and Satho embark on a journey to find Arang's murderer.

okayyy. stop. stop. shhhhhhhhhh. hold it right there my friend.

YES, its a little bit queer, a ghost and a human.. and since it is a romcom, we may as well assume that the two get together or fall for each other at some point in time. And a relationship with a just not your cup of tea right?
well, it wasn't mine either, in fact this drama was on my 'to watch list' for around a year and a half!
Now; I like romcoms purely for the fact that I picture a future quite similar to the mushy humour laced projections of a typical flick (no judging people a girl can DREAM). And I certainly don't see my self in the very near or distant future having an intimate relationship with a ghost. That shit just weird.


 The chemistry between the OTP IS:

 This drama will have you on your toes, crying like a fool, dreaming like a unicorn #UNICORNswag, and loving like a love sick monster.

It is a perfect blend of those melting moments where the stuck up, arrogant guy moulds into the equally stuck up, headstrong personality of the girl, and they become the most imperfectly perfect couple there could possibly be; and those action scenes of Satho that make you go

Now be freeeeee my little Kdrama Addicts, fly to Gooddrama and watch this beautifully captivating show.

 P.S: don't let the 'head gear' let you down, it is a historical after all, and after the second episode you come to terms with the fact that only Lee jun ki could look hot dayummmm in that weird stretched black Hawaiian'ish top hat with beads on it.
PPS: ^ that's like saying HASHTAG with a fistful of MnM's in your mouth! (*O*)

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