Friday, December 27, 2013

What i hope to find over the rainbow? i dont need to wait for rainbows, I have Kdrama

안녕하세요!!!!!!!! { --Google translate for the win-- (^O^) }

For kdrama watchers who are out hunting for drama's 'similar' to their favourite ones, or who simply need a good drama fix, annyeonghaseyo!!

And to you fellow reader(s) who have not fed off of the mystic ambrosia of worries I shall give you a trailer of all the awesomeness you are missing out on! :) (as cocky as this may sound, it is a 1000% true and fool proof, Kdrama's are like fancy shops to shopaholics, chocolate to your sugar rush and true to your love *sigh* (entering fangirl mode) )


back to the point...

The first step, it could be the beginning or the very end.
think about the choices you have made in your life, was it not driven by the burning desire to relive that which you have experienced for the first time and many more times there after, only to crave its presence neigh; in a new form?


wow, Ed Sheeran has quite the influence on my work... o.o
little tip: re-read this, but whilst listening to "I see fire" by Ed Sheeran

ooookayyy, getting back to the point :P

I think the reason I am so enamoured by Asian culture, is because there is so much of it! its just as simple as seeing a land not for what it is perceived as, but what it truly is. those little cultural nuances which no old book could teach you, those feelings, thoughts and emotions. You can not learn these; but seeing them, seeing them you can finally believe that you can live it. through each drama you take in the smells, the laughter, the sadness all of it. and then you crave to live it in truth.

That's the feeling I got when I watched my first Korean Drama. It was like Zinggggg! and boom I was caught, and oh boy am I tangled in it even now!

now you must Prepare your selves fellow readers...


my reaction to this god like face:

lets just say, the follow through was quite a 'big bang' (Kpop lovers, aren't I so punny?)

And my fellow Kdrama addicts/ soon to be Kdrama addicts; consider Kim Sang Bum as just the icing to the cake, for there is an army of gorgeous, knee-weakening Kmen out there (*O*)

Call me a masochist but I have fallen for my captor, Aka 'Kdrama'

But hey hey hey! life would get kind of dull if I just sat here alone....joined to the hip with my laptop and my 'precious' Kdrama, So here I am along with my fellow Kdrama addict, ready to spread the disease (cue evil laugh)

-fellow reader you are in for one hell of a ride ;)

(I was going for a gossip girl ending....I don't think I'm very good at it.. (XoX)


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